Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Cei 22...

"Domnule nu ai talent. Poate ai geniu dar la asa ceva nu ma pricep."

Vorbeste-mi... am atatea sa iti spun

Parle-moi... j'ai de choses à te dire
Jacques Salomé

Jacques Salomé:
- psihosociolog,
scriitor si poet;
- si-a obtinut licenta
in psihiatrie sociala;

Cartea lui J.S. reprezinta o buna terapie a mintii si a sufletului. Inveti despre comunicarea in institutia numita "cuplu". Nu e nevoie sa mergi la psiholog daca citesti cartea aceasta. J.S. prezinta situatiile de comunicare si comportamentul cuplului atat de direct incat unele pasaje parca ar descrie viata ta de cuplu, intamplarile tale, experientele tale. Este o carte care iti trezeste intrebari si te face sa reflectezi asupra ideii de comunicare.

  • "E omenesc să te înșeli, dar când guma se tocește mai repede decât creionul, inseamnă că exagerăm." J. Jenkins
  • ”Când cuvintele se eliberează pentru a deveni discurs”
  • ”Te căsătorești cu persoana care apare atunci când vulnerabilitatea ta este maximă”. K. Berwick
  • ”Oare nu se spune , după un divorț sau după o perioadă de văduvie, ca și cum a trăi fără partener înseamnă de fapt a nu trăi?”
  • ”Această idealizare a vieții în doi va fi sursa unor decepții, deoarece realitatea vieții în comun nu e niciodată pe măsura visurilor care precedă sau urmează întâlnirii”.
Ce mi-a placut cel mai mult a fost faptul ca am gasit in aceasta carte ideea de a face un contract intre parteneri si nu a decurge la casatorie lucru cu care sunt de acord.In S.U.A. se dezvolta practica unui contract de casatorie individual, negociat de cei doi. Iata un exempu de contract semnat in 1976 de doi tineri americani din statul Ohio. Cam ce scrie in contract:

1. Definiție. Pentru Paul și Mary căsătoria este un angajament afectiv, spiritual și social. Prin acest contract ei se angazează să trăiască împreună o perioadă de timp, să-și aprofundeze uniunea, să-și împărtășească iubirea și experiențele.
2. Durata contractului.Acest contract are o durata de cinci ani. [...]
3. Semnarea contractului. [...]
9. Nume. Fiind vorba de o relație între indivizi autonomi, Paul și Mary nu doresc să fie desemnați sub un nume comun, care să-l transforme pe unul în apendicele celuilalt. [...]
12. Prietenii. Fiecare își va păstra prietenii. Dacă Paul și Mary își vor face prieteni noi, se vor prezenta acestora ca două persoane între care există o simplă legătură de iubire. [...]
15. Terminologie. Părțile sunt de acord să nu folosească următoarele cuvinte în legătură cu uniunea lor: ”căsătorit cu”, ”soțul meu”, ”soția mea”, ”logodnica mea”, ”iubita mea”, sau orice alt termen ce ar implica o relație de dependeță.

Restul contractului este in carte. ;)

Lecturare placuta!


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My dream came true!

When did the National Geographic thing appear?

When I was 12 years old I was watching very much Discovery Channel, Animal Planet and National Geographic Channel and I was fascinated about those reportages I was seeing there. I wanted to have that kind of life, to see the world, to share what is beautiful and to enjoy living.
In that period of time I decided to became a journalist because my idea was: if i became a journalist i can work with National Geographic team. After I have finished the highschool, I applyed for a Journalism Faculty in Iasi and Bucharest. I decide to go to Iasi in the end.
Each night, when I went to sleep I was dreaming with my eyes open how would be for me to work at NG. In one day, in the Autumn of 2009, I applyed for a schollarship in Norway, in a country that the only thing I knew about was: aaaa this should be a country where it is very cold. And that's it! When I arrived there, in January 2010, I discovered a beautiful country where nature was very well conserved. I lived in a small village called Volda for about 5 months.

In April I sent an e-mail to NG redaction to ask them if I can make an intership with them. They said yes. So, in July 2010 I started to work with NG. After 2 weeks they asked me to sign a colaboration contract. Few weeks ago I received this Press Card. My dream came true after 9 years! Happy! Just unreal!

Dear all,

I will write the story of a young, cute German girl called Josefine Andrae who came in Romania to teach romanian children English and German language.

· Name: Josefine Andrae

· Age: 21

· Country: Germany

· City: Jena

· University: -1 year: Nutritional Science

- Now: Communication and Psichology at Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

Josefine is a lovely girl, with blond hair, blue eyes and a gorgeous smile. She came in Romania with a development program through AIESEC student organization. She saw a poster in the university with “what’s next!” and she went for the interview. Because she decided a bit late where she wants to go, the only country that accepted her was Romania. So, this is why she came here. She joined AIESEC at the begging of May 2010 with the purpose of going in exchange. Josefine came in Romania on 7 August 2010 and she will stay here 6 months. She is working in a private kindergarten called Teddybar in Bucharest. She teaches romanian children English and German and she thinks that this kids are very loud and naughty. She lives and eat in the kindergarten, so she has to pay only for what she is spending outside: water, transport, sweets etc. She visited Brasov and she thinks is a small and beautiful city.

For several years, almost 10, she lived in Africa, in Johannesburg with her parents and she had the opportunity to see zebras and crocodiles. She believes that those animals are quite boring because they stay all day without doing something interesting. When her parents moved back to Germany she had also to come with them. Because of those 10 years spent in Africa she speaks very well English and she knows how to take care of her purse in the subway where many times you can meet face to face with thieves.

In her spare time she likes to go out with her friends, watch movies or TV- series. She likes the movie “Shut eyes” which is quite scary but she told me that even so she doesn't like this type of movies. Her favorite TV-series are: “How I met your mother” and “Desperate wives”. From “How I met your mother” she says she looks like Lily, and I can give her right because she is quite funny like the character is. Also, she likes to go shopping like all the girls, and she enjoys to buy shoes and dresses when is summer. She hates winter, so when outside it is snow she prefer to cheer up going to stores or making shopping. Josefine considers that cooking it is very relaxing and many times she is cooking African food.

Even if she is the only child in her family she says about herself that she is not spoiled. When I asked her to describe herself in 3 words she replay: “I do not want to say anything wrong.” But, after few minutes of thinking she said about herself that she is organized (maybe a bit controlling person), open to new things (something that cannot hurt her), outgoing. She likes to laugh but she does not think she is funny. She loves to make diving and see all the fish in the water. She likes to learn new languages and she already knows: French, Arabic, Italian, German, English. Her favorite desert is “Crème broulée” because is sweet.

In the near future she is planning to find a new internship into communication field, to choose new subjects for her university courses and to get a job. She would like to work in television because she made and internship to „Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen“ (ZDF), 7 weeks and she liked the way is working in television.

My impression about Josefine is that she has a beautiful smile and eyes, she is really funny even if she doesn’t believe this and it is very enjoyable to speak with her. She knows how to live and enjoy everything around her. She is smart and speacking about her experience in Africa made me think about going someday there. It was a great pleasure to meet and talk with her!

Best regards,

Bianca Macovei