Friday, November 26, 2010

Manual of Tipography

Manual of Typography- Manuale tipografico by Giambattista Bodoni and reprinted by Taschen is a great “incunable” book created to the art of printing. The two-volume work contains stunning arrangement of 142 roman alphabets (with corresponding italics), numerous script and exotic typefaces and wonderful collection of flowers and ornaments. Well, there are no images inside the book and not so many comprehensible words. However, Manuale Tipografico is tremendously large; it has 279 compact pages and a handbook about the life of Giambattista Bodoni.

Born in a family of printers, Bodoni left home as a boy to go to Rome, where he served an apprenticeship at the press of the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, the missionary arm of the Roman Catholic church. Together with his father collected a standard encyclopedia for printing the alphabet with Manuale Tipografico in 1818. The encyclopedia was first published posthumously in a limited edition of just 250 and features 142 sets of Roman and italic typefaces, borders, ornaments, symbols and flowers as well as typefaces from different alphabets including Greek, Hebrew, Russian, Arabic, Phoenician, Armenian, Coptic and Tibetan. Bondoni was the official printer for the Duke of Parma, a former small Italian state and Bondoni’s philosophy on type was founded on 4 main principles including uniformity, design, sharpness, good taste and charm.

The Bodoni typeface is still widely used even today(you remember Bondoni family font in Microsoft word), both in digital media and in print, and TASCHEN's accurate reprint of Bodoni's masterwork gives readers an excellent opportunity to inquire into the origins of the Bodoni typeface and learn about its creator. Regarding the historical reasons, this book could be likened as the bible of typography. It is truly one of the most monumental culmination of fonts made by man, which is made all the more challenging by the period when it was collated when cultures and languages weren’t as tightly fused and borders weren’t just a plane trip away. This astonishing typography encyclopedia is justified by 4 decades of work by Bondoni. This was his career and lifetime achievement.

At the end of the Manuale tipografico is a handbook, an extended foreword of the reference material edited by Stephan Fussel. I suggest you to read first this booklet to understand the context and the life of Bondoni which influenced him to create this amazing book. It is then followed by letters from the widow of Bondoni, and Giambattista Bondoni himself reflecting on the typefaces which are just a pleasure to read. It’s fascinating to hear Bondoni’s widow fathom the importance of Manuale Tipografico in a letter she wrote to the Princess of Austria:

To Her Majesty the Imperial Princess, Maria Luigia Archduchess of Austria, Duchess of Parma, Piacenza, Guastalla, etc. etc.

Your Majesty,

In every age, within every nation, there has always been the noble competition to create monuments in honour of those Princes who are worthy of the gratitude of men, to suitably transmit their eminent and illustrious memory to posterity. Statues, paintings, temples by the most celebrated artists, either perished in ruins, or were devoured by flames: but it was not so for the press. This art, the most useful of human discoveries, as it speedily diffuses all other discoveries; this art, that spread all over the world from Germany where it originated, endures fires, vicissitudes, time itself. It alone was able to broadcast the virtues of monarchs, the great deeds of our ancestors, and the ideas of the most sublime minds.

As a reference book this isn’t fantastic. There is no contents, no structure, no captions or justifications. It is only a book of fonts. But for someone who loves typography this book is a beauty.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Weekend Berlin

I am in Berlin for almost one and a half month. At the begging I didn't like this city very much. For about 2 weeks I haven't visited because i was working quite much during the week, so in the weekend i was sleeping, cooking and aranging all the things i need it for the next week. After 2 weeks I was invited to go out with the other 2 interns from ESNA. The spanish girl has many friends here because she is going every day to a german course. So, because of her I met 3 other persons: two interns from Medecine University in Siria and one girl from Bulgaria who was working in Berlin.
W e started to be good friends and we decided to go out to visit Berlin in the weekend because is the only period from the week when we don't have to go to work and stay there 7-9 hours per day.
I saw many important monuments in Berlin and i stayed out many hours just walking, making photos and trying to know better Berlin. When you have nice people around, when you are with your friends everything is just much more easy and nice. Being alone made me hate Berlin for a couple of weeks because i was just working, working, working and trying to sleep as much as i can.
I traveled with s-bahn, u-bahn, buss...but not yet with the tram because i did not need it. Even if the transport here is quite expensive (50 euros per month/ 26 euros per one week/ 2 euros one ticket for 2 hours/ 6.5 euros one day ticket) berliners have a good network of transport. The greatest thing is that all the transports are working 24h/ 24h in the weekend and during the week they work from 4 a.m- 1 a.m and then they have a breack between 1.30 a.m- almost 4 a.m.
As an advise, if you want to come to Berlin don't forget your umbrella because here is raining a lot. Also, take some warm clothes because in the autumn you can have the surprise to see that outside are maybe between 0-5 degrees. From the airport you can take TXL buss and is taking you to Alexander Platz and from there you can take almost everything: s-bahn, u-bahn, buss, tram to go to your hotel.
After one and a half month I can picture out a small and naive portret of Berlin. During the week, berliners are going to work using mostly bikes, s-bahn etc. In the s-bahn and not only, you can see people reading books, newspapers, searching for news online through their computers or phones. The picture is serious, quite, with worried people going to work, with children going to school. You have the senzation you are in a robot world where everything means work. During the weekend (starting with 9 p.m friday, ending 00.00 sunday) the picture of Berlin change 180 degrees. Taking s-bahn, or just walking around you see people drinking, speacking loud, laughing, making jokes, fighting. You start to ask where are all the serious people you saw during the week. In the weekend they are not serious at all. For them weekend means alchool, parties, sex, no sleep. After one weekend you start to ask yourself: how can they live like this? They don't get tired? Actually they don't. They are robots created so well than nothing can make them stop.
Berlin is a combination of new and vintage, of serious and craziness, of young and old. The better way to visit this city is with friends or people you care. If you come alone you feel absorbed by all the atmosphere and you will feel tired and wishing to go home.

Friday, November 19, 2010

The Phonetic Alphabet For Aviation

The phonetic alphabet is as follows:

A- Alpha
B- Bravo
C- Charlie
D- Delta
E- Echo
F- Foxtrot
G- Golf
H- Hotel
I- India
J- Juliet
K- Kilo
L- Lima
M- Mike
N- November
O- Oscar
P- Papa
Q- Quebec
R- Romeo
S- Sierra
T- Tango
U- Uniform
V- Victor
W- Whiskey
X- X-ray
Y- Yankee
Z- Zulu

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Migratia studentilor romani in strainatate

Studenţii români vor să plece la studii în străinătate ca să se facă economişti sau specialişti în marketing

The Romanian students want more and more to follow a bachelor or master program abroad because of the impossibility of getting a job well paid in their own country.

At least 7000 high school and faculty graduates participated in two world education fair which had place in the end of October and begging of November in Bucharest trying to find offers for studying abroad.

Each year, 5000 Romanian students are going abroad for studying regarding the Minister of Education and it is possible that this number will grow because of the higher interest of the students in finding jobs in other countries.

According with the organizers, the students are interested in areas like: marketing, communication, business, design, economy.

Apart from Denmark, where students don’t have to pay fees, the cheapest countries regarding education are France and Netherlands. For example, in the Groningen University from Netherlands the fees for bachelor program is 1.720 Euros per year, while the fee for master program is 13.700 Euros per year. In France, one year of studying at University La Rochelle Business School can reach the point of 7000 Euros per year. In Denmark the courses are financed by the Danish Government which has to pay 10.000 Euros per year for each student.

Romania is still a developing market for students searching for study abroad opportunities. It has been growing for the past 7 years and in the past 2 it has taken up exponentially following EU accession and increasingly accessible financial conditions for studying in the EU.

In 2009 the RIUF statistics tell us that: 61% of the exhibitors said that students were well and very well informed, 35% said they had limited information, while no more than 3% reported that students had no information about studying abroad. Further analysis of the data in 2008 and 2009 shows that the market has started embracing the realities of studying abroad: 55% of the visitors would rely on personal funding

(either partial or total) and bank loans to pay for their studies; 37% consider the opportunity of having a part-time job during their studies.

Information from the affairs

A. Riuf

The four main destinations Romanian students choose for studying abroad have changed over the past 5 years and similar trends can be seen also in the number of exhibitors coming from these destinations: France, Netherlands, UK and USA. The main reason for these changes is the lower tuition fees that EU universities started charging since 2007, making studying at such institutions a lot more accessible for Romanian students. Below: the best depiction of this change in the number of US exhibitors versus the Dutch exhibitors present at RIUF (ROMANIAN INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY FAIR).

France and the UK have had a major increase to 35 exhibitors and 16 exhibitors respectively in 2007 (EU accession year) after which they remained at the same level for the following years.

RIUF grew steadily over the years as Romanian students became more aware of the study abroad opportunities offered to them. For the first four years a steady growth has brought RIUF to its maturity, in 2008 boasting a staggering 90 International institutions present and 45 Romanian institutions.

B. Integral Programe Internationale

1. Cu ocazia ediţiei de toamnă a târgului "World Education”, care a avut loc la Hotelul Hilton din Bucureşti in data de 6 şi 7 noiembrie 2010 au participat peste 4000 de tineri inregistrati in prealabil (pe site-ul – interesati de studii in strainatate.

2. Tarile aflate in topul preferintelor studentilor sunt Marea Britanie, Olanda si Danemarca.

3. Preferintele tinerilor din Romania pentru cele 3 tari se datoreaza programelor de studiu cu stagii de practică integrate în domeniul de specialitate pentru studenţi şi masteranzi, care vor permite tinerilor profesionişti să găsească rapid un loc de muncă îndeplinind cerinţele de stagii şi experienţă profesională.

4. Motivele principale pentru care tinerii opteaza pentru studii in strainatate sunt oferta de specializari actuale, bazele universitare moderne, posibilitatea acumularii de experienta de munca pe durata studiilor si cresterea competitivitatii pe piata muncii.

5. Evenimentul din toamna acestui an confirma inca o data interesul tinerilor din Romania pentru studiile in strainatate, acest fapt fiind valabil atat pentru programele universitare cat si pentru programele de master. În continuare cererea cea mai mare ramâne pentru domeniile economic, marketing, design, comunicare, mass-media, ştiinţe politice, care ocupă primele locuri şi apar ca profesii preferate în peste 37% din înregistrările celor interesaţi de studii în străinătate.

Numele respondentului: Irina Christova – Organizator al Proiectului World Education din partea Integral Programe Educationale.

Why they go abroad?

The rate of unemployment through graduates have been grown up meaningful in the last year. Today there are almost 53.000 jobless with graduated diploma.

In a study made by SAR (The Romanian Academic Society) the Romanian higher education system do not forms necessary abilities for middle and high management and almost half from the employers in Romania said that is hard to find employees who have the capacity to have their own decisions, to have a critical point of view and the capacity to solve problems.

As a conclusion, the Romanian educational system is not capable to train the students so they could get a job in their own country and the companies complain of not having well prepared employees. Another problem is also the low level of the salary in Romania. Usually, a teacher gets 400 Euros per month while a person who works in a banck gets around 460 Euros per month. When students graduate they ask at least 800 Euros per month which cannot be provided by the companies in Romania. The low average and the lack of jobs on the labor market it seemed to determine the students to follow a study program abroad and find a well paid job there.


The news:




Teacher salary:

The report of SAR:

The report of RIUF:


STEFAN PRUTIANU: Libertatea de 20 de ani e o pustoaica; una care nu stie ce e responsabilitatea

de Bianca Macovei

Stefan Prutianu, un domn elegant, imbracat cu o camasa alba, simpla, cu guler tunica: asa il stiu toti studentii sai. Unii, mai norocosi, afla ca, in spatele aparentei cochetarii, se desfasoara o viata de roman rusesc: cei peste 20 de ani de comunism i-au lasat, ca lui Ivan Denisovici, urme ireparabile. Specialistul de azi in marketing si negocieri, profesor la Facultatea de Economie si Adiminstrarea Afacerilor din Iasi, Stefan Prutianu a fost unul dintre primii revolutionari romani. Si a fost asa pentru ca, ii place sa zica, “sensul vietii este cel care conteaza cu adevarat”.

La 20 de ani de la caderea regimului comunist, un sondaj de opinie din luna noiembrie scotea la iveala faptul ca jumatate dintre romani regreta perioada comunista. Ce le-ati spune dvs. celor care au sentimente de genul asta?

Le-as spune ca o libertate de 20 de ani e o pustoaica, e o libertate foarte tinara care nu stie ce e responsabilitatea. Libertatea asta de 20 de ani inca nu ne permite sa fim altii. Sintem in buna masura ce am fost, si copiii nostrii sint ce sintem noi si poate, o vreme, si nepotii vor fi la fel. Nu ne putem rupe dintr-odata de trecut, ne desprindem greu de asta. Iar celor carora li se pare ca 20 de ani e mult le spun inca o data: o libertate de 20 de ani este poate prea tinara, e ca un titlu de carte prea devreme batrin, prea tirziu intelept.

Contribuie la aceasta nota de regret a unora si faptul ca despre revolutia din ‘89 ramine, inca, un moment tulbure in istoria noastra recenta?

Pe jumatate da, pe jumatate nu. Cred cu adevarat ca ei regreta tineretea lor de atunci. Intr-o anumita masura, comunismul ne permitea sa fim iresponsabili. Ne duceam la slujba si o bolmojeam, asteptam sa vina salariul si noi ne prefaceam ca e bine. Intr-un anumit fel, pentru oamenii care isi doreau putin si care nu erau in stare de mare lucru, comunismul era o solutie. De pilda, calicii satelor au ajuns in virful structurii. Erau erau cei care, cel putin o vreme, au fost numiti sefi de echipa, brigadieri, presedinti. Pentru ei, comunismul era o lume fara riscuri. E clar ca lor viata li s-a intors, deodata, cu partea mai calda in sus . In schimb, era cumplit pentru virfuri, pentru cei puternici pentru cei care doreau mai mult care vedeau mai departe. E firesc ca lor sa le fi placut intr-o anumita masura perioada comunista. Pentru cei competitivi, pentru cei puternici, comunismul a insemnat plafonare, tavalug.

V-ati fi gindit, cind erati copil, ca veti ajunge sa va revoltati impotriva lui Ceausescu si a regimului sau? Ati asistat la nedreptati de mic, de cind erati in casa parinteasca din Zapodeni?

Poate sa para ciudat. Mai curind da, pentru ca tatal meu a refuzat colectivizarea. Era un taran instarit, care nu dorea sa isi dea vitele si pamintul la colectiv. Nici nu a conceput cu adevarat sa se integreze in Cooperativa Agricola, cum se numea ea. A ramas cu tot mai putine oi, pentru ca ii mureau: le ducea cu caruta, moarte, intr-o ripa, pentru ca nu il lasau sa le pasca; ii inchideau toate drumurile catre islaz. El a suferit, si eu am suferit, copilareste, probabil, alaturi de el.

Ce v-a determinat sa luati atitudine impotriva regimului si sa organizati revolta din 14 decembrie?

Nu e un motiv anume. Nu e o picatura care sa fi curs peste marginea paharului. Paharul se varsa din cauza tuturor picaturilor. Starea aceea terna, faptul ca traiam prost, fals, ca nu puteam comunica, ca in ultimii ani se asprise atit de mult felul nostru de trai. Aveam doi copii si stateam de la 2 noaptea la rind, pentru lapte; si nu aveam nici o garantie ca voi lua lapte la 7 dimineata. Sint mii de motive pentru care imi doream sa nu mai fie acel regim. In plus, regimul insusi intrase intr-o fundatura. Economia socialista era una blocata care isi atinsese maximul si intrase intr-o stare de declin. Era ca o masina stricata. Totul se infundase, se blocase, huruia prosteste. Era o lume greu de suportat.

Inceputul revolutiei v-a prins in inchisoare. V-a schimbat viata saptamina “petrecuta” in beciurile Securitatii din Iasi?

S.P.: Nu stiu care e inceputul revolutiei. Intr-un fel, revolutia a inceput odata cu instaurarea puterii comuniste. In anii ’40, dupa razboi, cind comunismul se instituia prin puterea bruta a diviziilor rusesti, atunci intr-un fel, in germene a si inceput procesul prin care comunismul se autodistrugea. El e prezent si in China si in Coreea, astazi, pentru ca, cel putin deocamdata, comunismul este o societate impotriva firii. In ce priveste perioada in care am fost inchis, pot spune ca e mai mult de o saptamina. Fiecare zi petrecuta in puscarie conteaza. Am fost inchis de pe 14 pina pe 22 decembrie 1989. O noapte de puscarie e tare lunga, e imensa. O noapte in puscarie e una in care nu bei apa, nu maninci nici o coaja de piine, nu esti lasat sa te asezi, trebuia sa stai doar in genunchi pe un scaun de lemn. E o intelepciune in aforismul acela: "Ce nu te omoara, te intareste". Nu stiu ce s-a intimplat in puscariile comuniste, dar, cu siguranta, nu a fost cu mult mai mare speranta de viata ca in lagarele naziste. Insa, cei care au facut ani multi de puscarie sint oameni puternici.

V-ati mai intilnit cu anchetatorii dvs. de atunci, dupa 1990?

Fara a fi nu NU ferm, sau unul 100%. Mai curind NU. Daca m-am intilnit ulterior cu cineva care mi-a fost trimis in celula dupa trei zile de nesomn in care adormeam imbracat, un individ absolut gretos. Eram singur intr-o celula cu vreo 9 paturi, si el a venit zimbitor si cu mina intinsa: eu m-am retras ca o molusca. Nu au fost anume acei oameni, ci cei de linga ei care m-au contactat. Revolutia nu s-a terminat in decembrie si, poate, nu s-a terminat inca.

Constantin Ciurlau, cel care a condus ancheta de atunci, a fost, dupa 1990, profesor universitar la Craiova. Este ilustrativ acest fapt, pentru metoda romaneasca de a pune lucrurile in ordine?

Nu stiu. Constantin Ciurlau a fost in celula mea, cu niste personaje mai mari decit el. Pe Ciurlau l-am cunoscut pentru ca mi s-a zis ca este comandantul securitatii din Iasi. Avea ceva brutal, ceva rudimentar, violent in expresie. Superiorul lui era un anume Alexa. Si se pare ca era si un alt personaj si mai inalt decit ei si doi anchetatori, un colonel negricios. Mai era, de asemenea, procurorul care a semnat mandatul de arestare. Ideea pe care le-o tot spuneam era aceea ca exista cuiburi peste tot, ca oricum incediul va izbucni, ca nu sintem singuri, ca e o plasa care s-a intins peste Romania.

Se spune ca revolutia trebuia sa porneasca de aici, de la Iasi. Este o afirmatie corecta? De ce nu s-a intimplat acest lucru?

Noi am fost o structura organizata, am preexistat revoltei. Pe 14 decembrie ’89, ei ne-au prins, ne-au cules in momentul in care noi trebuia sa ne exprimam public, sa ne intilnim in Piata Unirii, sa tinem cel putin trei discursuri, sa creem acolo o busculada. Noi eram cu imnul national de astazi drept crez. Unii dintre noi aveam luminari. Urma sa fie ceva pasnic. Speram si noi intr-o revolutie de catifea. Eram naivi. Ulterior, m-am cutremurat privind lucid la ce am facut atunci. Parca era un fel de drog, parca eram eroul unui scenariu care curgea de la sine. Revolutia nu a pornit de la Iasi, pentru ca nu am fost in stare. Incepind de pe 8, 9 decembrie ’89 am avut sentimentul ca sintem descoperiti. Am avut scurgeri importante de informatii incepind cu 2, 3, 4 decembrie ’89. Eu am avut confirmarea pe 9 decembrie, pentru ca au incercat sa ma racoleze persoane din alte structuri, care in acelasi timp erau din afara ei. Nu a fost o singura persoana care a tradat atunci. In genere, aproape fiecare ramificatie a cazut pe glasul ei. Era de asteptat ca va fi tradare. Acesta era un efect pe care il doream: sa se afle ca sintem. Cind am avut semnale clare ca sintem descoperiti, am hotarit sa aruncam manifeste, sa trezim cit mai multa lume si sa ne ascundem in multime. Cu adevarat, am fi vrut sa nu aruncam manifeste doar noi, grupul acela restrins. Pina la urma, 64 de oameni din grupul nostru au trecut prin ancheta, ceea ce nu-i putin. Nu vom sti niciodata citi am fost in grup. Unii au tradat si nu mai recunosc, altii au ramas detasati. Printre cei care au tradat se afla si o persoana de la virful grupului, unul dintrei cei care a tiparit manifestele, Stoica se numeste, acum nu vrea sa vorbeasca despre lucrurile acelea. Si mie amintirea asta imi face rau. Revolutia nu a pornit de la Iasi, pentru ca principala lasitate mi-as putea-o asuma. In conceptia mea, revolutia incepe de la un cap spart, de la un geam facut zob, de la o sticla in cap, de la ceva care sa coaguleze grupul. Piata Unirii era sub o presiune greu de exprimat in cuvinte. Era timpul ca altundeva sa se intimple. Nu eram singura structura conspirativa din Romania. La Iasi a fost o structura organizata cu mai mult de 2 saptamini inainte de 14 decembrie, data la care urma sa ne intilnim in Piata Unirii. In ziua aceea, in piata, nu am fost in stare sa declansam revolutia. Mie mi-a fost teama. Aveam doi copii acasa, sotia mea era si ea acolo. Piata era atit de impresurata de forte de ordine, ca, de pilda, daca stateam mai mult de trei persone intr-un grup, ne desparteau si spuneau: „Circulati, circulati!”. In mod suspect, pe noi ne-au lasat sa stam la coltul Hotelului Traian un timp indelungat, desi eram un grup mare. Ei de fapt, ne supravegheau, asteptau sa incepem.
Cind intri in puscarie si te string de git, e cumplit. Eu nu m-am putut descalta 8 zile de cizme, din cauza picioarelor umflate de lovituri la talpi. Dupa trei zile de foame, cea mai buna mincare din viata mea a fost o varza oparita - o capatina de varza, maronie pe alocuri, era pur si simplu oparita intr-un castron de aluminium. Am mincat varza aceea, mi s-a parut extraordinara, m-am lins pe degete si n-am lasat nici o bucatica. Aveam pofta de viata chiar si dupa trei zile de foame.

Disidentul Radu Filipescu mentiona intr-un interviu ca lipsa de organizare a celor care s-au impotrivit lui Ceausescu a permis evolutia Romaniei de dupa 1990. Sinteti de acord cu domnia sa?

Categoric, lipsa de organizare a permis evolutia Romaniei. Dar, lipsa de organizare are si ea o cauza. Noi am fost o structura organizata care nu a putut sa se manifeste pentru ca a fost sufocata. Sentimentul a fost unul cert. Simteam ca ei se joaca cu noi, ca sintem in farfuria lor. Simteam ca ne puteam bate vitejeste pentru o cauza pierduta. Acest lucru mi se parea idiot. Semnalul de incepere a revolutiei trebuia sa il dau eu. Nu l-am dat pentru ca m-am temut. Am vrut sa traiesc. Oricit de multi am fi fost noi acolo ei erau mai multi si mai puternici decit noi. Daca nu ne-ar fi ucis, ne-ar fi cules si ne-ar fi arestat. Ar fi plecat masinile pline de acolo. Cauza noastra acolo in piata era pierduta. Nu stiam daca linga mine e un politist imbracat civil. Stiam ca cei imbracati in militieni sint clar militieni dar nu stiam cine sint ceilalti. Erau barbati frumosi, zvelti, si nu stiam cine sint. Puteam banui orice.

Se tot spune ca Romania sufera de lipsa unei culturi civice si a unor organisme puternice de acest fel. Este, cumva, aceeasi trasatura caracteristica poporului nostru, la fel cum in anii de dinainte de 89 miscarea de dizidenta a avut dimensiuni reduse in Romania?

E posibil sa fim un popor mai modest decit ne place sa credem. Poate ca am facut ciubotele altora prea mult timp in istorie. Avem un proverb nenorocit: „Capul taiat, sabia nu-l taie. E posibil ca astea sa fie indicii impotriva noastra. Pina si mitul haiduciei ca daca furi de cei bogati si dai la cei saraci e unul distructiv. Ne-am cultivat o serie de mituri paguboase. Apropo de : asa cum ajuns sa pregatim in unele sporturi citeva persoane 22 de milioane care sa cistige o olimpiada, sau ne putem gindi la olimpiadele scolare unde intr-un sistem educational care e tot mai chinuit, mai prabusit, unde foarte putini tineri mai invata fizica , vom continua sa luam premii pentru ca sint extrasi citiva indivizi pusi anume sa faca lucrurile acelea. Experientele acestea nu pot fi generalizate. Eu ma indoiesc profund ca sintem poporul asta asa de ales si de recunoscuti in Europa. In Franta de exemplu, perceptia romanilor nu era cu nimic mai presus decit cea a columbienilor sau chilienilor. Noi ne-am alimentat cu niste mituri, de-a lungul anilor, mai ales de-a lungul anilor acestia nenorociti din ’50 pina in ’90. Am inceput sa credem in ele. Ne-am amagit.

Se vorbeste si acum, ca in toate perioadele de campanie electorala, despre lupta anti-comunista. Este astazi aceasta o tema falsa?

E ceva de granita, ceva confuz. Eu am zis asa: . Se pare ca da, dar nu jumatate plus unu. Si ma bucur cind se intimpla asa. Exista o Romanie terna, umila, poate si lenesa dar increzuta, orgolioasa. O Romanie care se minte pe sine. Acea jumatate de Romanie voteaza cu trecutul. Aceea e nostalgica, s-ar intoarce bucuroasa la ce a fost. Din pacate nu ei sint cei care pot face istorie. Dar, momentan, e prea putin timp ce a trecut, 20 de ani. De aceea, jumatatea asta de Romanie exista. Si, sigur, ei nu au deloc sentimental acesta; dimpotriva, ei cred inca in miturile cu care ne-am alimentat.


Va mai aduceti aminte de un banc din perioada comunista?

Ceausescu a dispus ca un student valoros sa fie invitat in biroul lui ca sa vada ce mai gindeste studentimea romana si sa pregateasca o poveste cu tilc despre vremurile pe care le traieste studentimea romana, pe vremea sa. Studentul, mai curind sfios, cind a pasit pragul cabinetului nr. 1 si piciorul i s-a scufundat adinc intr-un covor gros si moale s-a speriat si s-a retras, nefiind obisnuit cu asemenea covoare. „Calca, mai baiatule!, i-a zis Ceausescu, fara grija, ca astea sint ale poporului”. La care studentul a raspuns: „Tovarase Ceausescu, eu am crezut ca m-ati chemat pe mine sa va spun povesti”.


Stefan Prutianu a fost, alaturi de Cassian Maria Spiridon, Vasile Vicol, Valentin Odobescu sau Ionel Sacaleanu, unul dintre initiatorii Frontului Popular Roman de la Iasi si ai manifestelor imprastiate in Piata Unirii, pe 14 decembrie 1989. Membrii grupului au fost arestati si anchetati de Securitate, ei fiind eliberati pe 22 decembrie, cind regimul comunist era pe cale de a fi distrus.

Friday, October 22, 2010

The first 48 hours in Berlin

20th of Octomber 2010, I arrived in Tegel Airport (Lufthansa) at 9.00 a.m in the morning, Germany hour. All around me I heard German language and I understood that for that moment I am far far away from home. Lucky me, my boss, Kalle K. from ESNA Higer Education and News have been waiting for me in the airport. He is a really nice guy and he is helping me a lot here. After I took my luggage I bought a bus ticket and we went directly to the office. After one bus ride, two trains, some steps to claim and a nice walking one the street, we finally arrived in the office. I presented myself and Kalle started to laugh when I said: “Hi! My name is Bianca and I am from Romania”. I said to him: “I have to present myself. I just arrived.” After I took a seat and I opened my computer. I was tired, hungry and a bit lost because it’s the first time when I came in Berlin. I couldn’t see almost anything from this city but as I saw in the first day, they have a very good transport network. They have busses, trams, subway, trains and of course taxi. People are nice with each other, children are smiling to their parents, and the atmosphere is quite calm and nice. After 5 hours of staying at working and trying to understand what is going on in this news agency and what will be my work here, Kalle and me decided to go to my “one week home”: his apartment. This is Kopenick area. As I said he is a really nice man and he is helping me a lot. For the first time, I did not have to help the others; now I was me who was helped. I did not know how to react when we arrive home and he gave me the keys and said: “this week this will be your home”. I said wow thanks a lot. I repeat, it was the first time when I was helped so I did not know how to react and what exactly to say. After, we went to a shopping center and he helped me to buy a German phone number. I walked with him to the train station and after I came back to the shopping center to buy some food. Because I am not used to look in others person stuff, I found very hard the pillow and actually the bad. His apartment is really nice and interesting. He has a lot of space, big windows, books, movies, many flowers and old photo cameras. I really like his room because it has a strong personality compressed in it. So, the bed was somewhere up, quite hard to find it if you are not used with this. Because I was afraid to fall I decided to sleep on the couch. It was quite cold in the night but I did not care because I was really happy that I actually have a place to live.
21 of Octomber 2010, I wake up at 7 a.m. and in a big rush I made my rucksack for work, I ate something fast and I went to the train station where I met Kalle. We went together at the office to show me the road. There he gave me a task: to make the profile of my country on education field. I started to do that. At almost 11 or something, the other boss came in the office. He said after the breack we will have a meeting all together. We had the eating break between 12.30 and 1.30 p.m. After this, me, 2 others interns (one from Spain and one from Belgium) plus a German girl who is working in the office with us came back to work. We had the meeting with the boss and he scared me a bit. He is a very smart guy and he knows very well what he has to do. I honestly said to him that I don’t know almost anything about Public Relation and I came here to learn. But, by far this wasn’t the answer he wanted to hear. So, I started to feel bad and I said to myself: “what I will do now? He will surely ask me to go home to make my luggage and leave. What I will do?” After the meeting, with a serious voice he said to me: “get dressed we go for a walk”. I said then: “This is the end. For sure he will ask me to leave. German people do not make jokes. They just work.” I went with him to drink a cappuccino in a bar and we spoke more. I asked him about this news agency and what will be my job here. He explained to me anything I needed to know and he said that we have a lot of work to do. We discus in a very serious way about how much time I can spend in the office and I said it would be great for me between 9 a.m to 4 p.m. He made a fast calculation and he said: “hmm 25 hours per week. Few. We have to decide about something more. At least 28-30 hours. I said to myself. What can be worst? I don’t have any apartment where I can stay all this 3 months, my buss is already upset on me because I am not as good as he thought in Public Relation, now I say I prefer to work only 25 hours per week. This is the end.” He said we will manage after but preferable it will be to work more in the office. I said it is ok for me. “I came here to learn and work so it is ok”. We came back to the office and I started to check my e-mails and messages. I left the office at half past 5. With the good help of the Spanish girl and Kalle I manage to go to the train station. I was sitting on the platform, looking around and thinking: “I feel lost. I have a lot of work to do. These guys are not joking. I should as faster as possible to manage to learn as much as I can about public relations.” In the train I started to write a message to my parents in which I was saying: ”It is hard here but you don’t worry. I will manage myself. It is about my career so I have to be strong. As long as I have a brain and a body which are working perfectly normal I have to manage everything.” And then I suddenly remembered what I have been saying to myself when I finished the first year of faculty: “If I haven’t been loving this job, I would have been giving up for a long time ago. It is hard to be well prepared for being a journalist. You need to work to study to know to do thing right. I have to fight for wining a good reputation here”. When I arrived in the Kopenick station, I went to the shopping center to buy some sweets and a bottle of wine. I came home, I put some frozen pizza in the oven, I drop in a glass some red wine and I sit on the couch to write this article. I really needed to have a some time to relax myself, to charge my batteries and to start thinking positive. Time is flying too fast sometimes. I would have been ok if I could study 4 years in the university and not only 3. I would have been in time with the preparation of my bachelor, I would have finished mostly all the internships I wanted to do. I would have more time to spend with my boyfriend who is actually treating me very nice because he is supporting me and he always says: ”it will be ok don’t worry. I trust you and I am with you in what you are doing.” My parents also support me and for this and all good this that happened to me this is I have to thanks God because He was and He is really kind to me. I am lucky to have such great parents and such nice boyfriend. Maybe I have to be more grateful for everything I receive: a scholarship in Norway for 5 months, some internships on TVR (Romanian national tv), Europe Fm (Romanian radio), Romania Senate, a job at National Geographic, a scholarship in Berlin for 3 months; and the most important facts: great people around me, great parents, great boyfriend, great boss in Berlin, health, power to work, determination. But the most important thing is: LIFE to live, see, hear, feel and enjoy everything around me. Life is such great gift for people but it is a pity that many times they don’t or refuse to see it. I am lucky and grateful for all good and bad things that happened to me because all my experiences made me the person I am today. I wish I could have an other life but as I have only one I think is more than necessary for enjoying living.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tribute to Volda in NG Traveler oct.2010

NG Travler from oct. 2010 has an article about both Volda and other mountains where I have been with some great norwegian friends of mine. Thanks to them and thanks to the Volda University College I could claim on few mountains and I could see a wounderfull view. If you want to go in Volda don't forget your proper shoes, a jacket, a sweater and your ski. Speack with norwegian students and people. They are very nice and they will take you with them to claim mountains. It will be a memorable time as I had.

To all devotee climbers, with love... ;)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Cei 22...

"Domnule nu ai talent. Poate ai geniu dar la asa ceva nu ma pricep."

Vorbeste-mi... am atatea sa iti spun

Parle-moi... j'ai de choses à te dire
Jacques Salomé

Jacques Salomé:
- psihosociolog,
scriitor si poet;
- si-a obtinut licenta
in psihiatrie sociala;

Cartea lui J.S. reprezinta o buna terapie a mintii si a sufletului. Inveti despre comunicarea in institutia numita "cuplu". Nu e nevoie sa mergi la psiholog daca citesti cartea aceasta. J.S. prezinta situatiile de comunicare si comportamentul cuplului atat de direct incat unele pasaje parca ar descrie viata ta de cuplu, intamplarile tale, experientele tale. Este o carte care iti trezeste intrebari si te face sa reflectezi asupra ideii de comunicare.

  • "E omenesc să te înșeli, dar când guma se tocește mai repede decât creionul, inseamnă că exagerăm." J. Jenkins
  • ”Când cuvintele se eliberează pentru a deveni discurs”
  • ”Te căsătorești cu persoana care apare atunci când vulnerabilitatea ta este maximă”. K. Berwick
  • ”Oare nu se spune , după un divorț sau după o perioadă de văduvie, ca și cum a trăi fără partener înseamnă de fapt a nu trăi?”
  • ”Această idealizare a vieții în doi va fi sursa unor decepții, deoarece realitatea vieții în comun nu e niciodată pe măsura visurilor care precedă sau urmează întâlnirii”.
Ce mi-a placut cel mai mult a fost faptul ca am gasit in aceasta carte ideea de a face un contract intre parteneri si nu a decurge la casatorie lucru cu care sunt de acord.In S.U.A. se dezvolta practica unui contract de casatorie individual, negociat de cei doi. Iata un exempu de contract semnat in 1976 de doi tineri americani din statul Ohio. Cam ce scrie in contract:

1. Definiție. Pentru Paul și Mary căsătoria este un angajament afectiv, spiritual și social. Prin acest contract ei se angazează să trăiască împreună o perioadă de timp, să-și aprofundeze uniunea, să-și împărtășească iubirea și experiențele.
2. Durata contractului.Acest contract are o durata de cinci ani. [...]
3. Semnarea contractului. [...]
9. Nume. Fiind vorba de o relație între indivizi autonomi, Paul și Mary nu doresc să fie desemnați sub un nume comun, care să-l transforme pe unul în apendicele celuilalt. [...]
12. Prietenii. Fiecare își va păstra prietenii. Dacă Paul și Mary își vor face prieteni noi, se vor prezenta acestora ca două persoane între care există o simplă legătură de iubire. [...]
15. Terminologie. Părțile sunt de acord să nu folosească următoarele cuvinte în legătură cu uniunea lor: ”căsătorit cu”, ”soțul meu”, ”soția mea”, ”logodnica mea”, ”iubita mea”, sau orice alt termen ce ar implica o relație de dependeță.

Restul contractului este in carte. ;)

Lecturare placuta!


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My dream came true!

When did the National Geographic thing appear?

When I was 12 years old I was watching very much Discovery Channel, Animal Planet and National Geographic Channel and I was fascinated about those reportages I was seeing there. I wanted to have that kind of life, to see the world, to share what is beautiful and to enjoy living.
In that period of time I decided to became a journalist because my idea was: if i became a journalist i can work with National Geographic team. After I have finished the highschool, I applyed for a Journalism Faculty in Iasi and Bucharest. I decide to go to Iasi in the end.
Each night, when I went to sleep I was dreaming with my eyes open how would be for me to work at NG. In one day, in the Autumn of 2009, I applyed for a schollarship in Norway, in a country that the only thing I knew about was: aaaa this should be a country where it is very cold. And that's it! When I arrived there, in January 2010, I discovered a beautiful country where nature was very well conserved. I lived in a small village called Volda for about 5 months.

In April I sent an e-mail to NG redaction to ask them if I can make an intership with them. They said yes. So, in July 2010 I started to work with NG. After 2 weeks they asked me to sign a colaboration contract. Few weeks ago I received this Press Card. My dream came true after 9 years! Happy! Just unreal!

Dear all,

I will write the story of a young, cute German girl called Josefine Andrae who came in Romania to teach romanian children English and German language.

· Name: Josefine Andrae

· Age: 21

· Country: Germany

· City: Jena

· University: -1 year: Nutritional Science

- Now: Communication and Psichology at Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

Josefine is a lovely girl, with blond hair, blue eyes and a gorgeous smile. She came in Romania with a development program through AIESEC student organization. She saw a poster in the university with “what’s next!” and she went for the interview. Because she decided a bit late where she wants to go, the only country that accepted her was Romania. So, this is why she came here. She joined AIESEC at the begging of May 2010 with the purpose of going in exchange. Josefine came in Romania on 7 August 2010 and she will stay here 6 months. She is working in a private kindergarten called Teddybar in Bucharest. She teaches romanian children English and German and she thinks that this kids are very loud and naughty. She lives and eat in the kindergarten, so she has to pay only for what she is spending outside: water, transport, sweets etc. She visited Brasov and she thinks is a small and beautiful city.

For several years, almost 10, she lived in Africa, in Johannesburg with her parents and she had the opportunity to see zebras and crocodiles. She believes that those animals are quite boring because they stay all day without doing something interesting. When her parents moved back to Germany she had also to come with them. Because of those 10 years spent in Africa she speaks very well English and she knows how to take care of her purse in the subway where many times you can meet face to face with thieves.

In her spare time she likes to go out with her friends, watch movies or TV- series. She likes the movie “Shut eyes” which is quite scary but she told me that even so she doesn't like this type of movies. Her favorite TV-series are: “How I met your mother” and “Desperate wives”. From “How I met your mother” she says she looks like Lily, and I can give her right because she is quite funny like the character is. Also, she likes to go shopping like all the girls, and she enjoys to buy shoes and dresses when is summer. She hates winter, so when outside it is snow she prefer to cheer up going to stores or making shopping. Josefine considers that cooking it is very relaxing and many times she is cooking African food.

Even if she is the only child in her family she says about herself that she is not spoiled. When I asked her to describe herself in 3 words she replay: “I do not want to say anything wrong.” But, after few minutes of thinking she said about herself that she is organized (maybe a bit controlling person), open to new things (something that cannot hurt her), outgoing. She likes to laugh but she does not think she is funny. She loves to make diving and see all the fish in the water. She likes to learn new languages and she already knows: French, Arabic, Italian, German, English. Her favorite desert is “Crème broulée” because is sweet.

In the near future she is planning to find a new internship into communication field, to choose new subjects for her university courses and to get a job. She would like to work in television because she made and internship to „Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen“ (ZDF), 7 weeks and she liked the way is working in television.

My impression about Josefine is that she has a beautiful smile and eyes, she is really funny even if she doesn’t believe this and it is very enjoyable to speak with her. She knows how to live and enjoy everything around her. She is smart and speacking about her experience in Africa made me think about going someday there. It was a great pleasure to meet and talk with her!

Best regards,

Bianca Macovei